Friday, January 7, 2011

The New Year - 2011

A year ago the DOW was 10618 and today it is trading at 11653.  Financially, 2008 was miserable. 2009 was grim.  2010 was a year that has proven ok for many and marks a good start for the future.  I blogged about the Promise of 2010 and I think that the year lived up to my expectations. 

It wasn't all good. How can we forget the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that killed 11 on April 20, and took 86 days to cap the gushing crude in the Gulf of Mexico.  We had trapped Chilean Miners, continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mexico's drug cartels grew violent, and we had earthquakes in Haiti, China, and Chile. The year 2010 had notable extremes in nature. Major snow storms, massive floodwaters, relentless heat waves, and lots of wildfires challenged us in ways that have never been seen in recorded history.

Yet, I'm optimistic about this new year 2011.  It has plenty of potential and I can't wait to see how it turns out! 

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